Central DJ

Protocol 653

Publicado em: 13/02/2025 12:00
Tamanho: 57.991.884 bytes (~55 Mb)
🔗 https://www.centraldj.com.br/protocol/29275

ON-AIR! Welcome to #PRR653 where we premiere a brand new Nicky Romero x David Guetta song called "Shout"! More new tracks by the likes Ferreck Dawn, Deadmau5, Wax Motif and many more!

Sowel - Ninety SevenCID, Dances - No PhonesFerreck Dawn - Mirror Machine (feat. Aurelia Ray)Wouji, Freaky DJs - I Don't WantSteff Da Campo & Lukas Vane - 100% Pure LoveProtocol Spotlight: Nicky Romero x David Guetta - ShoutMohtiv - Want YouEnzo - ForceThrowback Track: David Guetta, Nicky Romero - MetropolisMr Belt & Wezol - Don't Stop Lovin'SUBB & Helvig - LonelyWax Motif, Truth x Lies - Choose ViolenceRob Laniado - Come AliveGenesi, Meduza (Feat. Aya Anne) - FreakAlmero - Lost On YouRebuke, deadmau5 - Endless (ft. Ed Graves)Fedo & LUX - Hold On To You
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